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On Leadership & Management:

The Leadership Challenge, 3rd edition by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner
This outstanding resource uses decades of quantifiable research to describe “The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.”

Good to Great by Jim Collins
A surprisingly fast read that describes the six major features of eleven companies that transitioned from successful to extraordinary. Important for business literacy in today's environment.

First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
Using Gallup Poll research, this book points to specific behaviors that make great managers great.

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard
A quick read that lays out the fundamentals of good leadership and management. Written in a simplistic fashion, the common sense isn't always common practice.

Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard
Also referred to as “Situational Leadership,” this book provides a model for leading and managing people through the different levels of learning and skill curves. Extremely practical and effective.

Don’t Shoot the Dog by Susan Pryor
An easy and fun read, Pryor explains the fundamentals of positive reinforcement in training and management. Applicable for business, family, relationships, and dolphin training!

On Productivity and Time Management:

Getting Things Done by David Allen
Covers how to set up an entire productivity system. Allen describes superb organizational tools, but also a framework for how to deal with those unexpected opportunities that present themselves every day. Also comes in audiotape.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Provides an excellent framework for living true to your values.

First Things First by Stephen R. Covey
Provides an excellent framework for managing your time to live true to your values.

On Influence & Communication:

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
“IQ” is commonly understood, but “EQ” is our emotional intelligence – how we relate to others on an emotional level. Research is proving that EQ is a more useful tool than IQ in predicting success in leadership.

Listening: The Forgotten Skill by Madelyn Burley-Allen
Extremely helpful for understanding the power of listening. Uses self-assessments to help you learn about your own listening strengths and weaknesses.

On Career Transition:

What Color is Your Parachute? (2005 edition) by Richard Nelson Bolles
Updated again and again for more than 30 years, this is widely referred to as "the job-hunters’ bible." Full of great advice and self-assessments, this book is good for figuring out what career you want, and then how to get into it.

Other Favorites:

Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras
What makes a company great? Is it a charismatic leader and great product? Through rigorous research, Collins and Porras explain that a clear vision coupled with flexibility are parts of what make a company “built to last.” Heavy on descriptive (rather than prescriptive) examples of what constitutes a visionary company.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Gladwell provides insight into how communication and real change happen within systems. He explains everything from “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” to how New York City cleaned up its streets. This is an absolutely delightful read.


quotation marksDominique created a breakthrough in our communicating and decision-making policies which will truly carry us forward.end quotes

— Director, Non-profit Board

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